Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mobile Medical Unit, and More.

This morning we received a recurring monthly donation from a supporter. Personally, I love the recurring monthly donations, as small as $5 a month, because when I see them come across in my mailbox, I know that -- in the midst of all the hard work -- we are not alone, that the work we do is supported by our community.

Today the WVCC is hosting the Salvation Army Food Distribution, which feeds about 50 families. In addition, for the FIRST time, the Morongo Basin Healthcare District is bringing out their Mobile Medical Unit to see patients on the ground AT the WVCC.

Morongo Basin Healthcare District Mobile Medical Unit
While these are WVCC events, they are supported by the FOWV. Last week we hosted a CPR/AED class and 9 WV residents were trained, 3 on scholarships from FOWV.

Morongo Basin Ambulance teaching a certification course
of CPR, AED, and First Aid.

 We're buying a second freezer to help with overflow food from the USDA Food Distribution, and just bought a 2-sided vinyl sign to advertise the upcoming Community Cleanup.

These may all seem like small things, but these are small things the community could not previously afford -- and now they can!

Sign up for a small (or large) monthly donation at the link to your right.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Welcome to Wonder Valley

The Friends of Wonder Vallley was pleased to host local author Bill Hillyard last Saturday, February 2, at the Wonder Valley Community Center. 50-60 people crowded the WVCC to hear Bill read from his book, Welcome to Wonder Valley -- featuring stories of many of the people who have lived, or are still living in Wonder Valley.

Bill detailed his efforts to get the book published, and why he has, in the end, decided to self publish. He has started an Indieagogo account to raise the $3500 necessary to publish the book himself. He has 30 days to raise the money, and has already raised $600.

If you would like to contribute, please go to:

There are some awfully nice premiums available at various rates of contriubtion.

The Friends of Wonder Valley was able to raise needed funds by asking for a $2 per person donation at the door. The donations are earmarked to help with copayments for the Mobile Medical Unit that the Morongo Basin Healthcare District will be bringing to the WVCC later in the month. Thank you to everyone who donated at the door.

Thanks to Steve and Cheri Reyes for contributing the refreshments, which were free to everyone. We offered Mexican coke, various Jarritos, chips and salsa, and jicama and chili powder.